Monday, November 12, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

This lecture is about people born on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st of any month. Also for people having their destiny number or name number as 4. Number 4 is for Rahu, also known as Dragon’s Head. The direction of Rahu is always retrograde in horoscope which basically means it moves in the anti clock direction. Rahu is a node, not a planet. It is the north node of moon. It is an active and disruptive force which works on mental level. It is supposed to be malefic, dynamic in nature, low in vibration and eternally dissatisfied. The basic characteristics of people born on 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st of any month are as follows: a) Doubting Nature b) Cannot trust people easily c) Have to struggle a lot to go ahead in life: Number 4 people have to struggle more than the other numbers. Even if they get things easily in life, it doesn’t remain with them for long. Eventually they have to work hard to achieve. d) Generate secret enemies e) Difficult to get the right partner: Generally Number 4 people find it difficult to get the right partner. People born on 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th are the best partners for number 4 people. Although they get along well with people born on 8th, 17th and 26th as well but both numbers being weak they have to struggle a lot. People born on 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th get along well with Number 4 people as well although people born on 11th and 29th have ego clash. f) Number 4 people are good orators g) Number 4 people tend to have a lot relationships, even outside their marriage. Lucky Days: Saturday, Sunday & Monday Lucky Colours: Blue, Grey, Khaki Unlucky Colours: Black Lucky Dates: 1, 2 and 7 series Rules over: Throat, heart and intestines Professions Suited: Engineers, astrologers, civil officials, electricians, psychologists Number 4 Psychic (when positive)For people born on 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st, please note that the effect increases if the month is April as it is also 4) 1) Number 4 people make very reliable friends. 2) Good conversationalist: They are excellent in talking except for people born on 22nd. 3) Hard Workings: Number 4 people are very hard working 4) Good psychic ability / intuitive power 5) Good patience level 6) Practical 7) They are very generous and helpful Number 4 (when negative) 1) Uneven tempered: The temperament of Number 4 people can be really bad at times. They lose temper easily 2) Doubtful and critical nature 3) Extravagant 4) Lack of independence 5) Trust people blindly 6) Unsuccessful in relationships 7) Lonely and isolated Example of people with Number 4 as name number 1) Ketan Parekh 2) Harshad Mehta 3) Ramalinga Raju The above have been the top 3 scams of India 4) Lata Mangeshkar 5) Asha Bhonsle Although the above have done wonders in their profession but as I stated, Lataji has been single throughout her life and Ashaji broke up with her husband and still single. Psychic Number 1 with destiny 4 can do wonders. A perfect example is Bill Gates. Also I have seen 1, 4, 7 combination can do wonders. Same goes for 5, 4, 7. But name number should be 7. Case Study I have known a person with this date of birth for good number of years 4-4-1949 This date of birth is very interesting. Date is 4th, month is 4th, year is 4 (4+9=13=1+3=4) So we have psychic 4 and destiny 4 as well. So here we can see, this person has been dominated by Number 4. At the age of 19 he lost his father. From the age 20th to 44th, he tried 5-6 different types of businesses. He lost crores in a day, while lost crores in a day as well as he was into stock market. At one point of time in his life he lost everything but now again he is a wealthy man. So we can see, Number 4 people find it hard to get stability in life. If a number 4 is married to number 4 and 8, things get worse. While on the other hand if the partner is a good number, the balance is maintained. In the above case, the partner is a Number 1 which gave that support needed to create the balance. There are a lot of other stories about Number 4 people I have been seeing. Their life is often very happening in either good or bad way. Courtesy_'IZO'

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

According to traditional Feng Shui some bathroom locations which can have negative effect on your wealth. These locations include: Bathrooms next to or above the front door. Bathrooms on the second floor directly above the kitchen or front door Bathrooms in the center of the office Bathrooms under the stairs It may seem restrictive but the reasons are sound when you reason using Feng Shui principles. For instance A bathroom in the front hall, close to the door, or a bathroom vanity at the end of straight hall way can drain Chi away before it has a chance to circulate through the rest of the house. Similarly, the water energy in a bathroom above the kitchen extinguishes the hearth's fire energy and floods the entire kitchen with negative energy. This is potentially damaging to both health and prosperity. As for a bathroom in the center of the home, that’s the worst location. According to Feng Shui, a centrally located bathroom destabilizes the energy of the entire home. If you notice that the bathroom in your home lies in a problem area; you can use the following Feng Shui bathroom remedies to improve your wealth: Problem: Bathroom in an important Feng Shui area (wealth, fame, marriage, etc.) Feng Shui bathroom tip for wealth: A full-length mirror on the outside of the bathroom door. Consider keeping a bowl of pebbles on the shelf above the toilet or on the cistern itself. A black or red coloured rug at the base of the pedestal could also be used as a protective device. Explanation: A mirror on the bath room door helps to deflect the Chi so it won't be drained away. Keeping sink and shower drains closed when not in use, and the toilet lid down when not in use would also prevent the Chi flowing down the drain. The concentrated form of Earth energy will help to control water and will counteract financial opportunities being flushed away. Problem: Bathroom in the center of the home Feng Shui bathroom tip for wealth: Paint the walls red, and place a stone, large crystal, or other earth-type object (such as a heavy ceramic bowl, vase, or statuette) in each corner. A full-length mirror on both the entrance door can also help. Feng Shui elements and Feng Shui colors help stabilize the energy by balancing the negative Chi with positive Chi. Problem: Bathroom over the front door or over the kitchen Feng Shui bathroom tip for wealth: First hang a faceted crystal in the center of the room; place a 3" round mirror on the ceiling directly above the toilet to visually reverse the downward flow of water (use double-sided tape to hold the mirror in place). Next place earth-type objects in the corners of the room to stabilize the energy. Lastly add an image such as a bird or tree to the downstairs area below the bathroom to help lift the energy there. The Best Feng Shui Bathrooms Bathrooms are places for daily cleansing, so a clean, sanitary bathroom strengthens and supports a positive Chi. A dirty bathroom, on the other hand, emphasizes the negative qualities of this room. If your bathroom occupies any of the more challenging locations described above, it is essential to keep it sparkling clean, tidy, and well lit. For both the bathroom itself and the toilet, always make sure that the plumbing fixtures are spotlessly clean and work. Dripping taps encourage you to waste money, plus noisy plumbing and cisterns are disturbing on a subliminal level. Keep the area light, airy and well lit. Ideal Feng Shui colors for the bathroom or the toilet include light grey, cream and pale blues. Since it is where you begin and end the active part of each day, you should try to make it more attractive and inviting using the Feng Shui design and Feng Shui Bagua, which treat bathroom as a separate space. If you have a big bathroom Feng Shui bagua can help you to choose different Feng Shui Elements and Feng Shui Colors. In general a Feng Shui bathroom has more faucets, sprayers, water jets and other things that emit water in other directions than the downward direction; it helps with flow and bringing wealth in your house. Also consider strategically placing mirrors so that these faucets are reflected. Be careful not to situate mirrors in places where the toilet is reflected. but make sure you do not have a mirror in your bathroom that is reflecting the toilet. The same principle is applicable for having water fountains in front of the house, the flow of water in fountains represent healthy Chi. Remember that two fountains are not considered auspicious as it is considered akin to the tears in the eyes in the traditional Feng Shui.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

कालसर्प के उपाय

लाल किताब के अनुसार कालसर्प योग में राहु खाना नम्बर एक में हो और केतु खाना नम्बर सात में तब अपने पास चांदी की ठोस गोली रखनी चाहिए.राहु दो में और केतु आठ में तब दो रंगा का कम्बल दान करना चाहिए.तीन और नौ में क्रमश: राहु केतु हो तो चने की दाल नदी अथवा तलाब में प्रवाहित करना चाहिए.सोना धारण करने से भी लाभ मिलता है.चतुर्थ भाव में राहु हो और दशम भाव में केतु तब चांदी की डिब्बी में शहद भरकर घर के बाहर ज़मीन में दबाना लाभप्रद होता है.खाना नम्बर पांच में राहु हो और केतु खाना नम्बर ग्यारह में और सभी ग्रह इनके बीच में तब घर में चांदी का ठोस हाथी रखने से कालसर्प का विपरीत प्रभाव कम होता है.षष्टम में राहु और द्वादश में केतु होने पर कुत्ता पालने एवं बहन की सेवा करने से लाभ मिलता है. सप्तम में राहु हो और प्रथम में केतु तब लाल रंग की लोहे की गोली सदैव साथ रखना चाहिए एवं चांदी की डिब्बी में नदी का जल भरकर उसमें चांदी का एक टुकड़ा डालकर घर में रखना चाहिए.नवम में राहु हो और खाना नम्बर तीन में केतु हो तब चने की दाल बहते पानी में प्रवाहित करना चाहिए.

जिनकी कुण्डली में दसम खाने में राहु हो और केतु चौथे खाने में उन्हें पीतल के बर्तन में नदी या तालब का जल भरकर घर के अंधेरे कोने में रखना चाहिए.एकादश और पंचम में क्रमश: इस प्रकार की स्थिति हो तो 43 दिनों तक देव स्थान में मूली दान करना चाहिए.द्वादश खाने में राहु हो और षष्टम में केतु हो तो स्वर्ण धारण करने से लाभ होता है.